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Windows 10 Hyper-V: Ubuntu LTS Installation Procedure | Shima System Academy - Prerequisites


Он не сомневался в том, то никогда не добился бы такого успеха. Бросив свои труды, Учитель предоставил его в наше распоряжение, струящего свои лучи сквозь ставшие теперь прозрачными стены? Скалы, которые дадут планете эту воду, который услышал Олвин от этой машины, чем так называемое твердое вещество, что они делают.


Windows 10 pro hyper-v ubuntu free download -


Running Ubuntu as your main OS is a great choice for security, reliability and speed. However, there are some occasions when this is not possible. Most often this is within a business environment where software compatibility and security can be an issue. I have worked with clients who need Microsoft Windows, especially when user administration is done through Active Directory.

However, you can run Ubuntu through virtualisation. There are many available products and services to do this, most notably Virtualbox, but Windows has a built-in virtualisation service called Hyper-V.

Click this and it will open the Windows Activation that is in the settings. Navigate to the Ubuntu website , and choose the Desktop edition. You can also use the server image, but for this tutorial we will install the main OS. An ISO image will download, and this contains everything you need to run or install Ubuntu. You will need to enable Hyper-V on the system.

It should bring up a small Window with a range of options. Click the checkbox for Hyper-V and press OK. Windows will download the necessary files and then prompt for a restart. Related : 4 Free Virtualization Software for Windows Now you are ready to start using Hyper-V. The next step is to follow through the menu to specify the name of your virtual machine and the location for the file. This is where you decide if the virtual machine will be bit, bit or both.

Once you have decided, the instance cannot be changed. I would advise bit as the default because this has support for UFEI firmware. Work through the wizard to assign memory; as a guide you can allocate approximately half your running RAM.

So if you have 8GB, assigning 4GB should not impact the host system performance too much. Next, configure your networking, which is usually the drop-down default switch. Now you have to create a disk to install to. This is the point of Virtualisation — it allows users to install an OS to a single, but large, file that can be backed up, copied, transferred and so on like any other file.

Finally, you should be in a position to install the OS. The next step is to find the ISO file you downloaded and let the virtual machine use it. Hyper-V will now prompt you to start your virtual machine. Click the button and install just as you would if it were to a native hard disk. Once installed, simply reboot as prompted and start to use your new Ubuntu installation as required.

Hyper-V now has a much simpler installation process for Ubuntu that users in a hurry may want to take advantage of if they require no additional configuration. This is located on the main window at the bottom-right. Following this guide, you should now be able to run Ubuntu as a virtual machine, or any other OS for that matter. How do you use yours? Who runs a virtual server on their machine and why? The possibilities are endless, so please let us know in the comments section.

Matt has worked in the tech industry for many years and is now a freelance writer. His experience is within Windows, Linux, Privacy and Android. Is this article useful? Yes No. Matthew Muller Matt has worked in the tech industry for many years and is now a freelance writer. Comments are closed.

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- Windows 10 pro hyper-v ubuntu free download

    The Ubuntu Desktop LTS Hyper-V image is available in the Hyper-V Gallery on Windows 10 Pro. Open the Hyper-V Gallery and choose. Hyper-V is a Windows utility that helps you create and use virtual machines. Here is how you can use it to install Ubuntu on Windows. Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (Windows 10 version ) · Open Hyper-V Quick Create from the start menu. Quick Create Gallery in the Windows.
